Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Learn More

Digging into the "Media Violence Fast" website brings one to their Learn More page. This is an important page because it seems to reflect their true intentions: taking down broadcast media, which is overwhelmingly conservative or libertarian.

The rest of the website pays lipservice to some lofty ideal of decreasing violence in general, and keeping children from viewing violence on television. Somehow they manage to combine advocating for families to turn off violent TV shows with fighting against "anti-immigrant hate speech." Curious.

But back to their true purpose. As stated before, the Learn More page lets their cat out of the bag. Take a peek:


What is Hate Speech?

Hate speech takes various forms, from words inciting violence, to those creating a climate of hate towards vulnerable groups. Hate speech has one common outcome: it creates an environment of hate and prejudice that legitimizes violence against its targets. The presence of hate speech so widely in media creates a climate that makes it impossible to have reasonable policy discussions on issues like immigration reform, and cultivates a climate that condones violence against targeted groups.

Categories of hate speech:
  • False Facts consist of incorrect, exaggerated, or de-contextualized facts.
  • Flawed Argumentation is rooted in hidden assumptions, guilt by association, and appeal to fear.
  • Divisive Language creates and/or encourages an “us vs. them” mentality. Hard times often incite blaming “others” as the source of trouble. Catholics, Jews, and African Americans have been routinely targets as scapegoats for those wishing to further their own agendas.
  • Dehumanizing Metaphors evoke messages relating to warfare, heroism, disease, and biblical characters.

(Editorial note: Here comes the good part. All emphasis mine.)

Where can we hear hate speech?

Hate speech is present in every form of media, specifically broadcast media. Between 1990 and 2006, the number of talk radio stations grew from 400 to 1,400. Radio reaches 90% of Americans every week. Michael Savage is the host of the nationally-syndicated radio program The Savage Nation, which reaches 190 million listeners per week. On a recent show Savage said, “Could the [swine flu] be a terrorist attack through Mexico? Could our dear friends in the radical Islamic countries have concocted this virus and planted it in Mexico?” Mexicans are “perfect mules for bringing this virus into America.” (Listen to more here) Similarly, on March 27, 2006, Rush Limbaugh called Mexican immigrants, regardless of legal status, “a renegade, potential crime element that is unwilling to work.” The Rush Limbaugh Show is broadcast on over 600 stations nationwide.

What is the harm of hate speech?

Hate speech influences peoples’ behavior and perceptions. Hate speech in the media has the same impact as effective advertising. The millions spent by advertisers illustrates that the media affect personal attitudes toward products and services. It is unlikely that the media have no similar effect on racial and ethnic perceptions. Because the media has a powerful influence over people’s behavior and perceptions, hate speech may be producing concrete harms. The concrete harm of hate speech is that it incites violence. For example, in June 2006 four teenagers posed as federal agents and asked two Mexican men for their green cards. The teenagers then beat and robbed the two men, while accusing them of stealing jobs from U.S. citizens.

(And finally, their take on the First Amendment.)

What about the First Amendment, doesn’t it protect hateful speech?

The First Amendment does protect even the most vile speech. The government, however, can play a role in compiling statistics and adopting rules that will help members of the public form their own opinions and hold broadcasters and other media outlets accountable for purveying this speech. And, as explained in the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights recent report on hate crimes, “when speech contains a direct, credible threat against an identifiable individual, organization, or institution, it crosses the line to criminal conduct. Hate speech containing criminal threats is not protected by the First Amendment.”


We'll that soak in for a bit.

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